#SponsorBlog: Ardo Alyssa—The World’s FIRST and ONLY Power Pumping Breast Pump

by Ardo

Have you ever heard of power pumping? What is it and what does it do?

No, power pumping isn’t getting in reps at the gym to build those biceps! Power pumping is getting reps in on your breast pump to increase your milk supply! Power pumping is a technique that’s designed to mimic cluster feeding, when your baby breastfeeds for short periods frequently throughout the day, which encourages your body to begin producing more milk.

Power pumping is a common technique used by many breast pumping mothers, but going about it can be confusing and overwhelming. To power pump correctly, you have to follow a complicated power pumping schedule which can be hard to keep track of, especially for exhausted mothers just trying to get through the day!

With the Alyssa breast pump, we've eliminated the confusion of power pumping. Our Ardo Alyssa breast pump is the FIRST and ONLY breast pump in the world with The Personal Power Pump™ function that mimics cluster feeding to help increase your milk supply! With a push of a button, the Alyssa breast pump takes over the power pumping schedule that you would typically have to perform on your own. When the Power Pumping button is pushed, your Alyssa breast pump will automatically begin your power pumping session, consisting of three pumping phases and two pause/rest phases. While the duration of the pumping and pause phases is predefined, you can adjust the vacuum and cycle settings to your personal needs at any time. Our innovative power pumping function takes to stress out of power pumping and helps you increase your milk supply without the hassle of manually following a power pumping schedule.


When is the automatic Power Pumping useful?

Using the automatic Power Pumping function is generally useful to increase the milk volume and stabilize fluctuating milk volumes. Below are a few concrete examples of the use of the Alyssa Power Pumping function:

•  The mother is producing too little milk to feed her baby exclusively with breast milk.

•  The baby is having a growth or development spurt and the current milk volume is insufficient.

•  To build up milk reserves if the mother is working again or would like to pursue a hobby.

•  If too little milk is produced due to stress or irregular pumping or not pumping often enough.

•  To maintain the milk volume for mothers with very premature babies who cannot yet suckle at the breast.

•  For babies who are too weak to suckle or are separated from their mothers.

•  With a decline in the volume of breast milk in premenstrual women.

Using the automatic Power Pumping function of the Alyssa

The automatic Power Pumping function follows the defined pumping–pause schedule recommended by many breastfeeding professionals: 

•  20 minutes pumping
•  10 minutes pause
•  10 minutes pumping
• 10 minutes pause
•  10 minutes pumping

It is very easy to use the automatic Power Pumping function:

1.  Switch on Ardo Alyssa.

2.  Tap the automatic Power Pumping button to start the one-hour program and to start the pumping.

3.  After every pause, activate the Power Pumping again using the Power Pumping button.

During the pumping phases, it is possible to adjust the vacuum and cycle settings at any time to suit your individual needs!

Visit Ardo to learn more about Alyssa and other products for every stage of the pregnancy and postpartum journey.


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ARMY Directive 2022-06