Meet the Team
Julie Garver
Interim Board Co-Chair/Director of Education/
Director of the Military Lactation Counselor (MLC) Program
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Julie is a U.S. Air Force spouse, Registered Nurse, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and proud mother of three children. Prior to having children, she worked as a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurse for five years. In 2015, Julie earned her Master’s degree in Nursing Education from Penn State, her alma mater. While stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, Julie worked as Nurse Home Visitor for the Army New Parent Support Program. During this time, she became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) and began to volunteer with Mom2Mom KMC which ignited a passion to help families with their breast/chestfeeding goals.
When her family received orders to Royal Air Force Mildenhall in the United Kingdom, Julie saw a huge need for education, advocacy, and support in the area. During the quarantine period of the COVID pandemic, Julie established Mom2Mom Tribase UK (supporting Mildenhall, Lakenheath, and Feltwell installations) and built the group from virtual meetings to in-person cafes, conquering frequent lockdowns and restrictions.
The birth of her third child brought about some unexpected medical issues that required the finesse of navigating feeding a newborn with pre- and post-surgical considerations. Julie has had tongue tie revisions on all three of her children due to various reasons, including poor weight gain, solid food feeding aversions, and cracked nipples. She is passionate about empowering families and children and is excited to join the Global MilCom team with a focus on evidence-based education to all chapters. Julie and her family are currently stationed in Tampa, Florida and enjoying the warm weather sun!
Heather P. Gant
Interim Board Co-Chair/Director of Finance
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Heather Gant became involved with Mom2Mom KMC in 2012 after a difficult lactation journey with her first child. Though exclusive breastfeeding was not a possibility for Heather, she strongly shared Mom2Mom’s vision and earned accreditation as a Certified Lactation Counselor to help other parents achieve their lactation and feeding goals. Heather increased her involvement with the organization by serving as Mom2Mom’s Newsletter Coordinator until she relocated stateside in late 2013.
In 2015, Heather joined Mom2Mom Global as a founding board member, serving as the Director of Finance. In this role, she brought years of account and administrative management experience. Heather holds an MBA from East Carolina University, specializing in health care management. Over the years, Heather’s involvement with the organization expanded as she leveraged cross-functional experience to support process improvement, growth, and sustainability efforts. Heather is a military spouse who is navigating this great adventure of life with her husband, two children, dog, and cat. Due to supply issues, both children were nourished with a combination of human milk and formula. Heather is grateful for the support she received from peers and lactation specialists as she navigated infant feeding relationships that required supplementing. She is proud to be part of an organization that actively seeks to deliver inclusive lactation support to families and strives to overcome barriers to equitable access to care and support.
Kelly Quinn
Director of Advocacy, Support & Military Relations
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Kelly Quinn has been volunteering with Global MilCom (formerly Mom2Mom Global) since 2019. She believes in taking care of service members and their families in a holistic manner and she is a strong advocate for pregnant and postpartum service members. Over the past several years, she has worked to change DOD-wide policies. Some of her accomplishments in this area include the authorization of the lactation undershirt (now approved in all military services), the pending Army procedure to issue the lactation undershirt as an optional clothing item with the maternity duty uniform, and the Army waiver to TB MED 530 that authorizes breastmilk storage in DFAC refrigeration. Kelly co-authored the white paper and participated in the HQDA directed working groups that analyzed the white paper which led to the publication of the Army’s Parenthood, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Directive. She also assisted with the drafting, editing, and social media roll-out of this directive.
Kelly has two daughters and works as a nurse care manager in the primary care clinic at the Des Moines IA. She also helps admin the Facebook group The Army Mom Life.
Krystle Wallace
Board Member
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Krystle is a Coast Guard Academy Graduate and Coast Guard Reservist. She is married to an active duty Coast Guard pilot and has two kids she proudly breastfed. Her interest in the lactation field started after the birth of her first child. Many of her friends would consult her for breastfeeding advice and she loved being able to help, despite being a new mother herself.
After transitioning from Active to Reserve and the birth of her second child, Krystle started to really contemplate what she wanted for a career outside of the Military. It did not take long for her to choose the lactation field. She started by obtaining her Masters in Health and Wellness with a focus in Human Lactation from Union Institute and University.
She became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) while in grad school and worked for three years as a CLC with NOLA Baby Cafe and also has been a La Leche League leader for two years. Her love and understanding of the unique challenges to military families and breastfeeding led her to Global MilCom (formerly Mom2Mom Global) where she initially served as Education Assistant and was integral in launching the Military Lactation Counselor (MLC) training program. Krystle then served as both the organization’s Executive Director and Director of the MLC Program. She currently serves as a Global MilCom Board Member.
Fiona Tribble
Board Member
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Fiona is from California and is a former military spouse. She gave birth to her son while stationed overseas in Okinawa, Japan. The start to her breastfeeding journey was complicated by eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, retained placenta, and an extended postpartum hospital stay (among other things). Her son was initially fed with human breastmilk substitutes but over the first two months postpartum Fiona worked to increase her supply to be able to switch to exclusively pumping. When her son was three months old he started successfully latching and they were able to transition to exclusive breastfeeding. Her son is now almost four years old and still happily nursing.
Her early difficulties lead her to volunteer as Program Director for the new Mom2Mom Okinawa chapter until she PCSed to Oklahoma where she transitioned to volunteering for Mom2Mom Global, assisting with sponsorships and fundraising. After a two-year break to focus on family and a move back to California she, is excited to rejoin Global MilCom to focus on development and fundraising. She studied medical anthropology and global health in college and feels that supporting parents on their lactation journeys is an impactful way to address so many complex issues: maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, economic growth and stability, and climate change to name a few.
Diane DeJesus
Board Member
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Diane is a Registered Dietitian (RD), Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), currently based in Austin, TX.
Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Diane had a first career in marketing, before becoming an RD to align her work with her values and lifestyle. She merged the two with a focus on food & beverage marketing and health communications.
In 2015, Diane and her partner moved to London, UK, where their son was born a couple years later. At this time, Diane began volunteering as a peer supporter with local infant feeding clinics. She also traveled to KMC in Germany, in order to train for, and earn, her CLC credential. This was her first introduction to Global MilCom, then called Mom2Mom.
Diane experienced a number of feeding challenges throughout her breastfeeding journey with her son, including: a NICU stay, tongue-tie, feeding from one breast (after a previous mastectomy), cow's milk protein allergy, and her own postpartum PTSD and anxiety with feeding solids.
While in the UK, Diane also began supporting families with infant feeding through helpline (phone) and webchat support. She became an IBCLC in 2021, as an extension of her passion for nutrition and her love of helping families navigate infant feeding. Shortly thereafter, she returned to the U.S. with her family.
After developing a chronic illness, Diane became a mindfulness teacher and has taken a career break to focus on her health and to support others with the same condition.
Diane is thrilled to join the Global MilCom team in support of military families and their unique feeding journeys, as well as the Military Lactation Counselor program, and overall lactation advocacy.
Nicole Longmire
Board Member
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Nicole became a mom in 2010 after a very difficult delivery and breastfeeding initiation. At that time access to skilled support was very limited, especially in the area she was living. She was not working in the birth world, but had always been really interested in birth and breastfeeding, so she started taking classes to become a lactation counselor, and although she revisited lactation on and off for the next decade, she did not formally certify as an LC until 2020 right before the pandemic. At that time she knew she wanted to be an IBCLC eventually, and so COVID was the perfect opportunity to pivot professionally.
She married her Air Force husband in 2018, and then PCSd to KMC in summer of 2020 which is where she first got involved with Global MilCom. There she was part of the on-call lactation support rotation, completed a nine-month internship at LRMC, and taught classes for the New Parent Support Program.
In 2023 she became an IBCLC. She also holds dual masters degrees, MPH and MAEd, and is certified to teach childbirth education and in perinatal mental health.
She currently lives in Florida with her family and has a small private practice serving her community.
Gabrielle Brown-Samuels
Board Member
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Gabrielle is passionate about helping families and maternal health. She is currently pursuing an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) certification to better serve her community. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to support and network with a global community of parents and families. After more than a decade of providing childcare, COVID-19 took her life in a different direction. She began working for a maternal health organization and working towards additional credentials. She is currently a Certified Lactation Educator (CLE) and member of CAPPA. She looks forward to completing MLC training to better serve families.
Morgan Scarborough
Board Member/Chapter Liaison
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Morgan is a mom to two, a military spouse, an avid fantasy book reader, and a lover of being outside. She holds a degree in Health Education, became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) in 2017, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2020, and a Postpartum Doula in 2022. She loves to continually learn and grow. He primary goals as a community lactation consultant are to bridge the gap of lactation disparity, provide support to those who lack it, and empower through education to make each journey successful. Morgan is the KMC Military Lactation Community Program Director.
Danielle Miller
Board Member/Chapter Liaison
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Danielle is from Tennessee and is an Active Duty volunteer with Global MilCom. She gave birth to her daughter just over one year after her sister delivered her own daughter. Because of this, Danielle’s sister proved to be an excellent source of encouragement and knowledge. She credits her sister’s consistent support for her success in lactation. Just after one year into motherhood, Danielle was assigned to Landstuhl, Germany where she worked on the Labor and Delivery unit on base. It was there where she found her passion for coaching fellow parents through the first two hours post partum just based on her own personal experience. Doing so inspired her to become a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) and she began volunteering with the KMC chapter as an on-call CLC. Upon returning to the U.S., she founded a chapter for the South Jersey area where she continues her support by aiding both military units and families in the area. Danielle is the Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Military Lactation Community Ambassador.
Emily Blanco-Arboleda
Board Member/Chapter Liaison
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Emily is a U.S. Air Force Veteran and military spouse. After the birth of her first child, she realized how important lactation knowledge and support was and started her lactation education journey. In 2018 she received her certification as a Breastfeeding Specialist. After several military moves and three more children, Emily volunteered as the Ambassador for the Ellsworth Air Force Base Military Lactation Community in South Dakota chapter and received her Military Lactation Counselor (MLC) certification.
Kelsie Kraft
Social Media Coordinator
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Kelsie is a Registered Nurse, aspiring lactation professional, and proud mother of two children. She has been married to an Active Duty U.S. Marine since 2017. Prior to having her first child and moving to Okinawa, she worked as a pediatric and adult nurse in South Carolina. Kelsie received her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Medical University of South Carolina and graduated summa cum laude. Prior to obtaining her nursing degree, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of La Verne with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology. After volunteering to become the Program Director for the Okinawa chapter, she volunteered to manage the social media platforms for Global MilCom.
Kelsie’s passion for lactation began after having an extremely difficult start to her lactation journey with her first child. Without many lactation professionals in the area and little education/support from her community, she wanted to support families in a way she didn’t have access to. She is passionate about evidenced-based education and information being shared on social media, given social media is where much of our information is obtained these days. She hopes to become an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in the near future.
Selina Maldonado
Outreach Manager
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Selina is passionate about building community and supporting families in their infant feeding journeys. A mother of three, she was fortunate to nurse until natural weaning age after a rocky start. This experience began her journey to become a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), and later on a Military Lactation Counselor (MLC) and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
In 2014, she began facilitatinglactation support meetings with The Lactation Connection in Grafenwoehr, Germany which later became the Bavaria chapter of Global MilCom. In 2017 she transitioned into the role of Social Media Manager and now supports outreach initiatives.
She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Augusta State University and holds a graduate certificate in International and Domestic Emergency Management from Hawaii Pacific University. She continues to expand this education with a focus on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies. Her spouse is in the U.S. Air Force.
Kristine Oglesby
MLC Scholarship Chair
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Kristine is a Certified Nurse-Midwife who specializes in reproductive healthcare from adolescence through menopause with a special focus on pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and lactation. She began her career as a nurse in 2002, working mostly in and around birth where lactation support has always been a priority in providing holistic care. In 2014, she received a Master’s degree in Nurse Midwifery from the University of Cincinnati. Since then, she has provided care in a civilian hospital with a free-standing birth center as well as military treatment facilities stateside and overseas.
Midwife means “with womxn.” Kristine feels strongly that to be truly with womxn and people, their needs must be met where they are, and with equitable support, education, and empowerment. As an immigrant, a spouse to an active duty servicemember, and a working mother to four lovely humans, this is something she deeply understands and is passionate about. Her own breastfeeding journey has been met with many challenges, but has been overcome with much community support. Cumulatively, she has breastfed for 7+ years and counting since 2011. She aims to inspire and provide support within our military communities and beyond.
As the Assistant Education Director, she brings with her past experiences as a nursing professor from various institutions to include Pikes Peak Community College, Clemson University, and the University of Cincinnati. She has also served as faculty for Army OBGYN resident physicians at Womack Army Medical Center.
Kristine is very grateful for the opportunity to serve military families through Global MilCom.
Amy Barron Smolinski
Founding Executive Director
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Amy was the longest running active participant in Mom2Mom history. She became a Peer Mentor in the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC), Germany in 2008. In 2010, she accepted an invitation to expand Mom2Mom KMC’s breastfeeding advocacy and outreach in the local community. Amy was the first ever Community Outreach Director for Mom2Mom KMC, and helped to shape the organizational structure and mission.
She served on the inaugural KMC Board of Directors until 2014. In 2015, the KMC Board determined the need for a larger parent organization to support new chapters at other military communities, and Amy accepted the responsibility for creating Mom2Mom Global®, a national nonprofit network of support and advocacy for breastfeeding military families, eventually taking the position of Executive Director. In March 2021, after over a decade of service to breastfeeding military families, she transitioned from Executive Director to Advocacy Manager.
Amy has been a presenter at international lactation conferences and published articles and essays on peer breastfeeding support for military families. She is a founding member of the Military Breastfeeding Coalition working group and the U.S. World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) working group. She served as the Board Treasurer for the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee. Amy is the wife of a U.S. Army Reservist stationed in Germany and she breastfed all four of her children.