MLC Course Enrollment

Enroll at any time! MLC’s rolling enrollment allows you to start the program when it’s best for you!

Are you a DOD ID Cardholder?

This includes:
Active Duty Service Members
DOD Civilian Personnel

Do you already have a lactation credential, but would like to enhance your ability to support military families?

For a one-time $50 fee, you now have the option of accessing three standalone modules:
Global MilCom & the MLC Program
Lactation Support & TRICARE
Lactation in a Military Environment

**Since these modules will be completed outside of the full MLC course, they carry no Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) and do not count towards lactation hours.

Ready to Enroll? Sign up here!**

**If you’re a Global MilCom Volunteer or a DOD ID Cardholder, be sure that you’ve received your discount code BEFORE enrolling. If you have questions regarding eligibility for discounts please contact us.

Military Lactation Counselor
One time
For 2 months