U.S. Army
Parental Leave & Lactation Policies
Printable FAQ Info Sheets
Army Directive 2022-06 (Parenthood, Pregnancy, and Postpartum)
This Directive incorporates evidence-based health and wellness guidance to improve quality of life, promote flexibility, and enable all Soldiers to safely continue their duties, return to readiness, perform critical assignments, and advance in their career while growing their families.
AD 2022-06
Family Care Plan
Applicable to all service branches.
Family Care Plan requirements:
Servicemembers who give birth to or adopt a child are granted a four-month deferment from duty away from home station.
Pregnancy Discrimination
DOD Military Equal Opportunity (MEO)Program
The DOD, through the DOD MEO Program, will:
(1) Ensure that Service members are treated with dignity and respect and are afforded equal opportunity in an environment free from prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Parental Leave
Military Parental Leave Program
Establishes and defines three types of parental leave: Maternity Convalescent Leave, Primary Caregiver Leave, Secondary Caregiver Leave.
Maternity Convalescent Leave: 6 weeks
Primary Caregiver Leave: 6 weeks
Secondary Caregiver Leave: 3 weeks
Maternity Leave for Reserve Component (National Guard and Reserve) Soldiers not on active duty
U.S. Army personnel should work with their commanders to develop a breastfeeding plan upon return to duty. Recommended commanders provide 15-30 minute breaks 2-3 times per day, but individual needs of the parent, child, and unit must be considered. Lactation space with access to safe water, electricity, a flat surface, and a locking door must be available, and may not be a restroom. Soldiers must provide their own equipment for pumping and storing milk. Commanders must provide a place to pump during field training and mobility exercises.
Operational Deferment: Soldiers are deferred from from duty away from home/home station for 12 months postpartum. If the Soldiers chooses to continue lactating beyond the first 12 months, some deferments will be extended up to a maximum of 24 months.
Soldiers are deferred from physical fitness testing for 12 months after pregnancy ends. ABCP standards are deferred based on gestation when pregnancy ends.
Temporary Promotions
6. Temporary promotions are authorized for Soldiers who are prevented from completing mandatory professional military education (PME) courses to qualify themselves for promotion to the ranks of SGT through SGM when they are unable to attend their requisite PME for any of the following:
b. Pregnancy and Postpartum: while serving on a temporary profile due to pregnancy or postpartum, temporary promotion eligibility is based on the Soldier’s delivery date/expected delivery date. Soldier applicability includes the entire period while pregnant or for 365 days following the date of birth/delivery date. Temporary promotions based on pregnancy/postpartum requires graduation of a requisite PME course of instruction no later than 24 months from the Soldier’s delivery date.
MILPER 21-131: Temporary Promotions Sergeant through Sergeant Major
Breastfeeding in Uniform
Soldiers who are breastfeeding/pumping are authorized to wear an optional t-shirt specifically for that purpose (see DA Pam 670 - 1). Soldiers who are actively breastfeeding their child are authorized to unzip or remove the ACU coat. Soldiers who are wearing the Army service uniform (ASU), Army green service uniform (AGSU), or mess uniform, are authorized to remove the coat and unbutton the shirt as necessary to permit breastfeeding. In accordance with 41 CFR 102 - 74.426, on Federal property, a Soldier is authorized to breastfeed anywhere the Soldier and child is otherwise authorized to be. Breastfeeding Soldiers are not required to use any additional items to cover themselves or their child while breastfeeding.
Maternity Uniform Chart
Summary of existing allowances for maternity uniforms (not all uniform pieces will be available in all locations)
The Army Mom Life Smart Book
A collection of regulation excerpts, policies, templates, and other resources for parents serving in the Army
Human Milk Storage
Human milk may be stored in U.S. Army facility food cold storage, such as Dining Facility (DFAC) refrigerators. Common Access Card (CAC) login required..
Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG)/U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) Policy Memo
Comprehensive guidance for U.S. Army Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) on providing early postpartum and workplace lactation support for patients and staff. (Requires CAC sign-in to view)
Sample Breastfeeding Memo
Sample Commander’s Memo Comprehensive guidance for U.S. Army MTFs on providing early postpartum and workplace lactation support for patients and staff. (Requires CAC sign-in to view)
Model Installation Breastfeeding Policy
Model installation breastfeeding policy on which the Revised Army Policy was based.
Public Health Command (PHC) Resource Page
Contains approved links to policies, regulations, and information. Links may be restricted access or require CAC sign-in to view.
Child and Youth Services (CYS) Infant Feeding
Regulation for CYS, infant feeding used in Child Development Centers and Family Child Care. States that any unused human milk may be returned to parents and that no doctor note is required to continue to provide human milk after one year.